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Navigate stress easily—Dive into our virtual haven for Mental Scale Test and knowledgeable community., established in 2020, is an online mental health support group during COVID-19 pandemic. It offers articles, a sharing forum, and a mental health calculator based on DASS 21. RKAT Institute of Research and Innovation funded study. Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental is widely accessed in IndonesiaKyrgyzstan, and Malaysia. Let’s check more facts about Mental Scale Test.

About Mental Scale Test:’s Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental aids in early screening for mental health issues. Using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS 21), individuals respond to 21 questions with various answer choices. These choices span from “never” to “almost always” to reflect their emotions. After answering, a calculator provides scores for depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as their respective levels of severity.’s Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental does not offer diagnostic results but suggests seeking professional help if scores indicate high mental health risks. Users can access Laluibersama com Scale Test anonymously, ensuring privacy while evaluating their mental well-being. calculator’s development reflects efforts to address mental health challenges exacerbated by COVID-19 pandemic, offering a practical tool for individuals to monitor their mental health and take proactive steps toward seeking assistance when needed.

Note: Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental is inaccessible due to a 521 web page error due to refused connection/server overload/maintenance/misconfiguration/firewall issues/temporary downtime of Cloudfare server hosting

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Pandemic as Mother of Initiatives—Lalui’s Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental initiative aims to address increasing mental burden caused by pandemic and infodemic, including violence, domestic assault, deaths, reduction of household income, increasing prices of goods, nil social life, vulnerability of individuals, negative stigma from community, Etc. was initiated by a team from Airlangga University #1082/UN3.14/PT/2020, Indonesia, including professionals from Department of Pharmacology and Psychiatry, along with graduate programs in Institute of Population and Social Research at Mahidol University, Thailand. By offering reliable information on COVID-19, pharmacotherapy, and mental health issues, 

Laluibersama con seeks to increase early diagnostics and awareness of mental health and reduce stigma associated with seeking help. 

A Big Picture of Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental Data:

Out of 102 responses received, 97 questionnaires were considered valid, resulting in a 95% effectiveness rate. Most respondents (86.6%) lived on Java island (n=84), while 13.4% resided on other islands (n=13). 

Female users accounted for 71.13% (n=69), and male users were 28.87% (n=28). In terms of analyses of age on Laluibersama com Scale Test, 63.92% (n=62) were 18-20 years old, 12.37% (n=12) were > 20 – 30 years old, and 11.34% (n=11) were > 30 – 40 years old. Regarding occupation, 70.1% (n=68) were students, 2.06% (n=2) were homemakers, 10.31% (n=10) were government officers, 11.34% (n=11) worked in private sector, and 6.19% (n=6) were others.

Characteristics of users and evaluation of users are given below:

Users appreciate the Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental, reducing self-diagnosis. A few users were concerned due to online lectures/classes increase stress. However, some users stated that Laluibersama con’s COVID-19 narratives/articles are long and dull, suggesting interactive features like quizzes, visual appeal, adding images, enhanced engaging content.

Social media links: is not present on social media.

About Forum and User Feedback:

Around 62.89% of users discovered services of through friends/colleagues/social media. 53.61% of users preferred mental health calculator, 29.9% favoured articles, 20.62% appreciated informative articles, 35.05% praised website’s appealing interface, 12.37% visited homepage only, and 4.12% engaged in sharing. 

About 36.08% acknowledged utility of Kalkulator Kesehatan Mental. allowed users to post questions and interact/spread awareness/share information in forum.

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